Thank you – in Remembrance

I want to say Thank You to all the men and women that have given their life for their country so that we can remain free. With special thanx to my great-grandfather, Gavin Lambie WWI (deceased), my grandfather, John Lambie WWII (deceased), my step-father Phillip Dmetroshko Viet Nam.


Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

2010 Recylcing Knit Challenge

While i was hunting around for the rest of my costume for Hallowe’en, I saw sweaters at the thrift shop .. pretty nice shades of green that I liked .. and I thought .. I bet I could frog this and re-use this yarn for something that **I** like instead of someone’s cast off .. (blinding nova light moment .. ) Well geeze why can’t I?? so the mental plotting began .. but I didn’t want to do this alone … this seems like the perfect thing to do with your friends .. thrift shop shopping, frogging and knitting!! Yeah i was a wee bit pumped on it

I want to invite anyone that wants to recycle yarn for a knitted / crocheted project are more than welcome to join us .. we are all on ravelry, so it makes sense to do it there with postings to our blogs, web albums, etc etc etc .. Or if we opt not to do a ravelry group, we can use my blog here for links or even create a new one .. plenty of options to choose from!

To read more of this idea and what’s needed .. click

was knitless …

This picture was taken on 27th of October at our Knatter nite .. I meant to get this photo and a blog post up titled “Knitless since Tuesday”, but it just didn’t happen .. spending the next 2 days after this as a lump on the couch sick is reason enough .. I just didn’t have the energy or inclination to hunt down a sweater that I wanted to do.


You knew there was a but .. heh .. I found one 😀 ….

to read more … ->  click